Make a Donation

For 5 years, Campaign for Uyghurs has led the fight to end the Uyghur genocide and has helped Uyghur refugees start a new life. Your gift makes our work possible. Donate today to ensure we are ready for the battles ahead. Thank you for your commitment to ending genocide. Campaign for Uyghurs is a 501(c)(3) public charity. Contributions are tax-deductible.

Amazon Smile

Help us fight genocide while doing your online shopping! Select Campaign For Uyghurs as your AmazonSmile charity of choice and we’ll receive a 0.5% donation every time you shop!

  1. Log into your primary Amazon account.
  2. Go to our AmazonSmile page.
  3. If you don’t have a charity selected yet, just click “Start shopping.”
  4. If you’ve previously selected a charity, you’ll be asked if you want to change. Click “Yes, change my charity.”
  5. Whenever you want to shop with Amazon, be sure to go to

Match Your Gift

Does your company or employer have a matching gift policy? If so, you may be able to double your support of the Campaign for Uyghurs. 

Mail or email your employer’s completed and signed matching gift form to:

Campaign for Uyghurs

725 I St NW, Suite 372
Washington, D.C. 20006

If your organization or company uses a matching gift platform, submit your request by entering CFU’s EIN ( 82-3615957).

Planned Giving

Three Easy Ways to Leave a Gift That Cost You Nothing Now:

1. Make a Gift through Your Retirement Account

Naming Campaign for Uyghurs as a beneficiary of a retirement plan account (such as an IRA) can be one of the most tax-wise gifts you can make. Simply ask your plan administrator for a beneficiary designation form and write in Campaign for Uyghurs as a full, partial, or contingent beneficiary (Tax ID #82-3615957).

2. Make a Gift to CFU in Your Will or Trust

After you have provided for your family, you can leave a specific dollar amount, a percentage, or whatever amount you choose to  Campaign for Uyghurs. Discuss your wishes with your attorney and use the sample language on the right.

3. Donate Stocks or Other Assets

One of the simplest ways to ensure your legacy is by naming Campaign for Uyghurs as the beneficiary of certificates of deposit, bank or brokerage accounts, life insurance policies or donor advised funds. Your financial institution can assist you with this easy process.

Benefits to You

  • Your gift costs you nothing now.
  • You are not locked in.
  • You can change your mind if your circumstances change.
  • You can take care of your loved ones and Alliance for Justice.
  • There is no minimum gift required. Every gift makes a difference.
    You can make a gift in honor of or tribute to someone who inspires you.
  • You may remain anonymous, should you choose to do so.
  • You have the chance to be remembered as someone who made a lasting difference in the fight to advance equal rights and justice.

Passing along your values through a legacy gift is extremely rewarding. We would be honored to be included in your plans and are available to discuss the best options for you and your family. Please contact us at if you would like to discuss further.