Campaign for Uyghurs (CFU) is a 501(c)(3) non profit organization founded in 2017 in reaction to the ongoing genocide of the Uyghur people being perpetrated by the Chinese Communist Party in East Turkistan (now known as the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, China). Our mission is to counter the Uyghur genocide by exposing the Chinese Communist Party, activating global grassroots organizations and civil societies, building solidarity with other persecuted communities, and enabling the Uyghur diaspora to construct productive campaigns to raise awareness and impact policy. In 2022, Campaign for Uyghurs was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for its work in Uyghur advocacy.
In 2017, Rushan Abbas founded the Campaign for Uyghurs to advocate and promote human rights and democratic freedoms for Uyghurs, and mobilize the international community to act to stop the human rights atrocity in East Turkistan. Abbas launched multiple campaigns, including the One Voice One Step movement, a demonstration on March 15th, 2018, in 14 countries and 18 cities on the same day, and the Free Gulshan Abbas, reaching an international profile for her sister as well as missing Uyghurs.
Ms. Abbas works with groups in the United States, Canada, The UK, and other parts of Europe, Australia, Japan, and Turkey to highlight the Uyghur cause and in support of empowering Uyghur women and youth for activism.
In September 2018, Campaign for Uyghurs founder Rushan Abbas spoke at a panel hosted by the Hudson Institute about the mass detention of Uyghurs in East Turkistan. Six days after the event, Abbas’s sister, Dr. Gulshan Abbas, was taken from her home in Urumchi as retaliation for Abbas speaking out. Since then, she has become a full-time activist, and Campaign for Uyghurs has worked tirelessly to to raise awareness of the Uyghur genocide and mobilize action. CFU was instrumental in advocating for and the passage of the Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act and the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act. CFU was also the founder of the Uyghur Caucus in the US Congress to further Uyghur issues.

In July 2020, CFU published the report “Genocide in East Turkistan” which laid out the ways that the actions of the Chinese regime met every condition of genocide laid out in the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide. Abbas first raised the case of Uyghurs as undergoing active genocide in May of 2019 while delivering speeches at the events hosted by the U.S. Embassies in Prague and Vienna and remained a vocal advocate for declaring the CCP’s crimes as such since then.
In February 2022, Campaign for Uyghurs was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize for activism and advocacy done to promote the Uyghur cause for freedom. Campaign for Uyghurs was nominated by US House of Representatives members Tom Suozzi and Chris Smith, who co-chair the Uyghur Caucus.
We aim to create a world where every person feels the responsibility to counter genocide.
What is happening to Uyghur people does not and will not exist in a vacuum. Due to their control of the media apparatus, and economic influence, The Chinese Communist Party is a threat to the freedom and democracy of the entire free world. The same surveillance systems used against Uyghurs ar enow being exported to other authoritarian countries with the purpose of monitoring and controlling their citizens. The foundations of a free world, where dissent and democracy can flourish, are at risk. Uyghurs are a victim of the rising tide of authoritarianism and the unwillingness to combat it.
Our vision is to foster and activate a world community and keep the free world that the generations before us worked so hard to create. Standing up against the CCP and their crimes is about saving the future of the free and democratic world.

Mr. Uerkesh Davlet
Chairman of the board

Ms. Rushan Abbas
Founder and Executive Director

Mr. Dilmurat Sulayman
Deputy Director

Ms. Tunisa Matsedik-Qira
Deputy Director

Mr. Kamalturk Yalkun
General Secretary

Ms. Jewher Ilham
Director of Public Affairs

Mr. Husenjan Emet
Director of Planning

Dr. Maya Mitalipova
Director of Central Asia Outreach

Ms. Mukerrem Kurban
Women's Outreach & Training Director

Mr. Reyhangul Mahmut
Director of Japan Outreach

Mr. Mehmet Hafiz
Director of Turkey Outreach

Mr. Mustafa Aksu
Director of Cultural Affairs
Advisory Board

Mr. Turdi Hoja
Chairman of the Board

Dr. Peter Jan Honigsberg
Advisory Board Member

Dr. Rebecca Clothey
Advisory Board Member

Dr. Sean Roberts
Advisory Board Member
Our Team

Mr. Kamalturk Yalkun
Chairman of the Youth Committee

Ms. Asiye Ablet
Chairman of OVOS Women’s Committee

Ms. Dilnur Kroren
Student Liaison For Turkey

Ms. Mehliya Cetinkaya
Student Liaison For Canada

Ms. Dilare Helil
Student Liaison For USA

Ms. Akida Pulat
Chairman of OVOS Women’s Committee

Ms. Sabrina Sohail
Communications Director

Mr. Babur Ilchi
Program Director