Ms. Dilnur Kroren

Student Liaison in Turkey

Dilnur Kroren is a Uyghur from East Turkistan. She moved to Turkey in July 2016. She now resides in Istanbul where she continues her tertiary education and a university there. Her goals are to fight the persecution and discrimination of Uyghurs in China. In September 2019, she joined Campaign for Uyghurs in order to fight the injustice and help with her activism and advocacy against China.

Dilnur manages the Turkish social media for Campaign for Uyghurs. She serves for Uyghurs as a member of several organizations and groups. She is a board member of the Uyghur Academy and also works in the Uyghur Student Unions. In addition, she also served in a group which formed the Uyghur Volunteer Girls who are studying at universities in Istanbul. Her main goal is to serve Uyghurs in any way she can.


Mr. Uerkesh Davlet

Chairman of the board

Ms. Rushan Abbas

Founder and Executive Director

Mr. Dilmurat Sulayman

Deputy Director

Mr. Kamalturk Yalkun

General Secretary

Ms. Jewher Ilham

Director of Public Affairs

Mr. Husenjan Emet

Director of Planning

Dr. Maya Mitalipova

Director of Central Asia Outreach

Ms. Mukerrem Kurban

Women's Outreach & Training Director

Mr. Reyhangul Mahmut

Director of Japan Outreach

Mr. Mehmet Hafiz

Director of Turkey Outreach

Mr. Mustafa Aksu

Director of Cultural Affairs

Advisory Board

Mr. Turdi Hoja

Chairman of the Board

Dr. Peter Jan Honigsberg

Advisory Board Member

Dr. Rebecca Clothey

Advisory Board Member

Dr. Sean Roberts

Advisory Board Member

Ms. Zerina Borhan

Advisory Board Member

Our Team

Mr. Kamalturk Yalkun

Chairman of the Youth Committee

Ms. Asiye Ablet

Chairman of OVOS Women’s Committee

Ms. Dilnur Kroren

Student Liaison For Turkey

Ms. Mehliya Cetinkaya

Student Liaison For Canada

Ms. Dilare Helil

Student Liaison For USA

Ms. Akida Pulat

Chairman of OVOS Women’s Committee

Ms. Sabrina Sohail

Communications Director

Mr. Babur Ilchi

Program Director

Ms. Paula Kaufman

Advocacy Director

Mr. Arslan Hidayat

Program Manager