CFU 新闻稿 即时发布 2021年2月22日,下午美东时间4:30点 联系方式: contact@campaignforuyghurs.org www.campaignforuyghurs.org
CFU 新闻稿 即时发布 2021年2月22日,下午美东时间4:30点 联系方式: contact@campaignforuyghurs.org www.campaignforuyghurs.org
CFU Press Release For Immediate Release February 22, 2021 4:30 p.m. EST Contact: contact@campaignforuyghurs.org www.campaignforuyghurs.org
(Abdulhakim IDRIS) Uluslararası toplumda II. Dünya Savaşı travmalarının izleri hala silinmemiştir. Özellikle Almanya’da Nazi yönetiminin yaptıkların hesabı sorulmaya devam etmektedir. Bu büyük acı apaçık ortadayken, dünya yeni bir soykırım gerçekliği ile karşı karşıya kalmıştır. Çin Komünist rejiminin Doğu Türkistan’daki Müslüman
It was our moms’ turn to carry us when we were young, and now it is our turn to carry her when she gets old. But many Uyghurs lost their chance to carry their mother due to the genocide that
We defend the human rights of uyghur people and the free world by exposing and confronting the chinese government's genocide, and empowering uyghur women and youth in the diaspora.
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Campaign for the democratic rights of the Uyghur people by investigating, exposing and confronting the CPP’s Uyhgur Genocide.
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